JL Gate CO.
JL Gate CO.

Picking the perfect round pen or bull panels!

A few things to think about before you do:


Size: First, figure out how big you'll want your round pen's diameter to be. This will determine the number and size of panels you'll purchase. You can purchase a round pen anywhere from 30 to 120 feet in diameter, depending on its primary use. A 60-foot round pen is a popular size recommended by many trainers for longe-lining, free longeing and basic round pen training. If you plan to do a lot of riding in your round pen, you might want to purchase additional panels to make it larger.

Strength: Will you be using your pen for working quiet, well-broke horses? Or will it be a breaking pen for fractious young horses and double for holding cattle? The size of the railings and gauge of steel use for construction will determine strength and durability. Round pipe rails range from 1 3/4 to 2 inches(bull panels) in out diameter; the greater the diameter, the stronger the rails. Gauge is a measurement in thickness of the metal itself. As a rule of thumb, the larger the gauge number, the thinner the metal. Most round pens are constructed from 14 to 20-gauge steel. If you need maximum strength, with large rails and small gauge steel, realize you'll sacrifice on portability because of the weight of the panels--and it'll be harder on your pocketbook.



Panel size: Generally, round pen panels are available anywhere from 8 to 16 feet in length, and 48 to 72 inches high. If you choose shorter panels, you'll save on weigh but sacrifice on set-up time because of all the connections you'll need to make during set-up. Longer panels may be difficult to move by yourself, but assembly will take less time.

Most trainers prefer taller panels to shorter ones, because the additional height helps keep the horse focused and provides a better barrier against escape. We  recommend a height of 60 inches.

Materials and finish: Most round pens are made from steel or an alloy of steel and some other metal. Galvanized steel is best for resisting corrosion and maintanace free, but is preferance because some people like colored round pens to match barns etc we use top of the line outdoor coatings for long lasting panels. No matter what you buy, maintenance will be required. Watch for rust--and when it first appears, paint with a rust resistant paint. Pay close attention to welds and other irregular surfaces.

Assembly mechanism: We can do your round pen attachments any way you prefer our standard hookup comes with a p style pen attachment  for easy install and it also is spaced widely so that if your ground is not level you still can get the pen installed ,we also offer chain attachment systems they are ideal for a no gap safety prefeance, and they're easy to assemble, but you may sacrifice on stability.

Solid walls: Most portable round pens are constructed with pipe-panel walls. However, solid walls are available, and many people feel they're superior because they eliminate distractions and offer added safety (a horse can't get a leg caught). If you plan to use your pen primarily for breaking colts, you may want to opt for solid walls. But beware--the weight of a solid-wall panel will be two- to three-times that of its pipe-panel counterpart.(we do not offer solid wall panels but have contractors we can recommend)

Leg options: Our round pens have mud legs that are on the bottom ends of the panel it prevents the panels from sinking and also helps stablebility we also offer panels with j legs or can do straight legs

Availability/Shipping: Your welcome to pick up at our plant but we do free delivery to most states just give us a call

Round-Pen Mathematics
Here's how to calculate how many panels of what size you'll need to purchase:

  1. Multiply the diameter you desire by 3.14 to determine the pen's circumference.
  2. Divide the circumference by the length of the panels you wish to use [Example: If you plan to use 10 foot panels to construct a 60 foot pen, multiply 60 by 3.14 to get a circumference of 188.4, then divide 188.4 by 10 (panel length) to get 18.84. You'll need 19 panels for a slightly larger than 60-foot pen].
  3. If you'll be adding a separate gate piece, consider it's length when calculating the overall diameter of the pen.

Need a Quote?

Give us a call at:

office:(270) 385 6060 or 270-385-9430


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JL Gate

7998 Greensburg rd

Greensburg ky 42743




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